
Three gardens are essential to our sustainability efforts. With over 1600 square feet of growing space and 16 beds, we never go hungry!

  • 860 sq ft garden (40x21.5)
  • 5 beds (40x2.5) = 500 sq ft growing space
  • 6 walkways (40x1.5) = 360 sq ft walking space
  • 860 sq ft garden (40x21.5)
  • 5 beds (40x2.5) = 500 sq ft growing space
  • 6 walkways (40x1.5) = 360 sq ft walking space
  • 1020 sq ft garden (40x25.5)
  • 6 beds (40x2.5) = 600 sq ft growing space
  • 7 walkways (40x1.5) = 420 sq ft walking space

We harvest a wide-variety of vegetables and flowers and maintain an organic crop rotation strategy. Click on the links below to find out more!